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yl23455永利学术报告: Does Smartphone Use during the Consumer Shopping Journey Help Reduce Shopping Anxiety?

发布日期:2019-03-13 点击数:





This paper explores the distinctive smartphone uses and a consumer’s expected gratifications during the individual shopping journey in brick-and-mortar retailing stores in the United Kingdom; simultaneously the paper investigates whether and how consumer-to-consumer interactions reduce shopping anxiety and subsequently influence purchase decisions. Following a micro-ethnography approach, 43 consumers collaborated in open-ended interviews conducted in shopping centres and high streets of two southern cities in the United Kingdom. It was then followed by a survey generated from 349 consumers, examining the causal relationships among the constructs. Findings indicate that consumers use smartphones to achieve a range of gratifications during their shopping journeys. More importantly, consumer-to-consumer interactions via smartphones alleviate shopping anxiety when visiting busy shopping centres. Omni-channel retailers should encourage consumers to use smartphones in brick-and-mortar settings, by facilitating in-store mobile device assistance and offering Wi-Fi services, such that consumers are more confident purchase decisions and less anxious.  



About The Author:

Jing Lv is doctoral researcher at the University of Southampton since 2016, she is also a teaching assistant in Department of Digital and Data-driven Marketing. She holds a MSc degree (Distinction) from University of Birmingham in 2015 and BA (Honored) from Bangor University in 2014. She has been rewarded the second prize of the ‘National Three-minute Thesis Competition’, coupled with rich experiences of presenting her research at both UK and International conferences. Her current research interests include consumer behavioural and psychological diversity in marketing practices and omni-channel retailing fields. She is also experienced in conducting Qualitative and Quantitative designs, Structural Equation Modeling in social science veins.  


吕靖,博士研究生,2016年至今就读于英国南安普顿大学商学院,同时任商学院数字化营销系助教2015年毕业于英国伯明翰大学,荣获优秀硕士学位 2014年毕业于英国威尔士班戈大学,荣获优秀本科学位。曾在2018年获得‘全英高校博士生-三分钟演讲比赛’第二名,具有丰富的校内及国际学术交流会议的经验;主要研究方向为市场实践中消费者的行为学与心理学,以及全渠道零售行业的研究;擅长在社会科学领域研究中使用Qualitative and Quantitative methods, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).  


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